Wednesday, December 21, 2011



The Many Benefits of Omega 3s
In the last few years, omega 3 fatty acids have gotten a lot of press for their variety of amazing health benefits. Health advocates have long promoted fish (salmon, sardines and mackerel) or fish oil as a main source of omega 3 fatty acids. However, since many types of fish contain traces of pollution, such as mercury and PCBs, many are searching for plant-based sources of omega 3s.

Sacha inchi (also called the Inca Peanut) has been all over the news lately, and for good reason; it is a great source of omega 3s. Read on to find out more about why omega 3s are absolutely vital to your health and why sacha inchi you could become your favorite new source.

What Is SACHA INCHI (Inca Peanut?)
Sacha inchi (SAH-CHA-EEN-CHEE) is an Amazonian plant that bears a large, star shaped seed pod. This seed pod contains sacha inchi seeds which are also called Inca peanuts. These seeds are an excellent source of highly digestible protein and one of the highest natural sources of essential fatty acids (EFA's) found in nature. Sacha inchi has been used by Amazonian cultures for hundreds of years for its anti-aging and health-giving properties.

Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
1. Research shows that regular daily intake can help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower the levels of bad cholesterol
2. Aids diabetics in maintaining their blood sugar levels
3. Helps reduce cognitive deterioration in older adults
4. Adequate levels can help decrease hyperactivity in children
5. Consuming omega 3 during pregnancy and while breast-feeding is essential for a child's brain development
6. Strengthens and protects our nervous system
7. Can help improve joint health and muscle recovery

Benefit of Sacha Inchi
Our Sacha Inchi oil is an amazing source of the essential fatty acid omega 3, as well as omega 6 and 9. Cold-pressed Sacha Inchi Oil is made up of approximately 45% Omega 3's, 36% Omega 6's, and 9% Omega 9's. It also contains about 27% protein and is a rich in vitamin A, vitamin E and iodine. Also, recent research has shown that the high levels of vitamin A and calcium help support healthy eyes, skin, teeth and bones.
How to Choose the Right Source
Most Sacha Inchi products are roasted, which can damage its delicate oils and nutrients. Choose a Sacha Inchi Oil created using low-temperature, cold-press processes that keep nutrients intact. Find Sacha Inchi Oil that originates on a single plantation in the Junin region of Peru, on the Amazon jungle side of the Andes mountains. There, the Sachi Inchi is sustainably grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers in the soft, mineral rich soils.

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