Wednesday, December 21, 2011



The Many Benefits of Omega 3s
In the last few years, omega 3 fatty acids have gotten a lot of press for their variety of amazing health benefits. Health advocates have long promoted fish (salmon, sardines and mackerel) or fish oil as a main source of omega 3 fatty acids. However, since many types of fish contain traces of pollution, such as mercury and PCBs, many are searching for plant-based sources of omega 3s.

Sacha inchi (also called the Inca Peanut) has been all over the news lately, and for good reason; it is a great source of omega 3s. Read on to find out more about why omega 3s are absolutely vital to your health and why sacha inchi you could become your favorite new source.

What Is SACHA INCHI (Inca Peanut?)
Sacha inchi (SAH-CHA-EEN-CHEE) is an Amazonian plant that bears a large, star shaped seed pod. This seed pod contains sacha inchi seeds which are also called Inca peanuts. These seeds are an excellent source of highly digestible protein and one of the highest natural sources of essential fatty acids (EFA's) found in nature. Sacha inchi has been used by Amazonian cultures for hundreds of years for its anti-aging and health-giving properties.

Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
1. Research shows that regular daily intake can help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower the levels of bad cholesterol
2. Aids diabetics in maintaining their blood sugar levels
3. Helps reduce cognitive deterioration in older adults
4. Adequate levels can help decrease hyperactivity in children
5. Consuming omega 3 during pregnancy and while breast-feeding is essential for a child's brain development
6. Strengthens and protects our nervous system
7. Can help improve joint health and muscle recovery

Benefit of Sacha Inchi
Our Sacha Inchi oil is an amazing source of the essential fatty acid omega 3, as well as omega 6 and 9. Cold-pressed Sacha Inchi Oil is made up of approximately 45% Omega 3's, 36% Omega 6's, and 9% Omega 9's. It also contains about 27% protein and is a rich in vitamin A, vitamin E and iodine. Also, recent research has shown that the high levels of vitamin A and calcium help support healthy eyes, skin, teeth and bones.
How to Choose the Right Source
Most Sacha Inchi products are roasted, which can damage its delicate oils and nutrients. Choose a Sacha Inchi Oil created using low-temperature, cold-press processes that keep nutrients intact. Find Sacha Inchi Oil that originates on a single plantation in the Junin region of Peru, on the Amazon jungle side of the Andes mountains. There, the Sachi Inchi is sustainably grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers in the soft, mineral rich soils.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Powerful Enzyme Prevents Heart Attack and Stroke: NATTOKINASE

Powerful Enzyme Prevents Heart Attack and Stroke: NATTOKINASE

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for men and women

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, each year about 700,000 people suffer a stroke, the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. The American Heart Association estimates that nearly every year, about 1 million Americans will suffer a heart attack.

About 700,000 of these will be first-time heart attack sufferers, while approximately 500,000 will be people who have previously had a heart attack. It all adds up to this: contrary to popular belief, heart attack and stroke account for more deaths than all cancers and injuries combined, and one out of every 2.4 deaths is attributable to cardiovascular disease. How is that possible in the richest, most highly educated country on earth?
Most of us all get too little exercise, accumulate too much stress, and eat a poor diet laden with saturated fat, refined sugar and too little fiber. Add to that list the habit of smoking and the answer is quite clear. (Although there is a considerably higher prevalence of cigarette smoking in Japan than in the U.S., mortality from CVD among men in Japan is still less than half of that in the U.S.3) And to make matters worse, a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (3/6/2002) indicates that exposure to air pollution can cause some 10,000 fatal heart attacks a year in the U.S.!
Mainstream health care has banded together with the pharmaceutical industry to offer a temporary quick fix for the number one killer of our time. Statin drugs reduce cholesterol. Aspirin and warfarin thin the blood. Anti-hypertension medications reduce blood pressure. Bypass surgery, and angioplasty clear the arteries. Essentially, they all help prolong the life of a patient with cardiovascular disease (CVD). But none of these drugs or procedures is without risk or side effects. Well, we've got good news for you!
CVD risk can be greatly reduced by modifying lifestyle and adding nutritional supplements proven to support cardiovascular health. Most of us are aware that eating a lighter, more balanced diet, quitting tobacco and exercising regularly are enough to head off most cases of heart disease before they ever happen. Now there's something else you can do.
Nattokinase has been shown to support normal blood pressure, dissolve blood clots and prevent them from forming in the first place!

What Is Nattokinase?

How is it made?

Natto is produced by a fermentation process by adding the bacteria Bacillus subtilis to boiled soybeans. The resulting Nattokinase enzyme is produced when Bacillus subtilis acts on the soybeans. While other soy foods contain enzymes, it is only the natto preparation that contains the specific Nattokinase enzyme. How was Nattokinase discovered? Japanese researcher Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi had spent many years searching for a natural thrombolytic agent that could successfully dissolve blood clots associated with heart attacks and stroke. Finally in 1980, after testing more than 173 natural foods, Sumi found what he was looking for.
Natto, a traditional Japanese soy cheese, was dropped onto an artificial thrombus (fibrin) in a petri dish and allowed to stand at 37ºC (approximately body temperature). Over the next 18 hours, the thrombus around the natto completely dissolved! Sumi named the newly discovered enzyme Nattokinase, which means "enzyme in natto." Dr. Sumi remarked that Nattokinase showed "a potency matched by no other enzyme." 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nattokinase (pronounced nat-oh-KY-nase) is an enzyme extracted and purified from a japanese food called natto. Nattō is a food made from fermented soybeans that has been eaten in Japan for many years. Nattō is produced by fermentation by adding the bacterium  Bacillun natto, a beneficial bacteria, to boiled soybeans. The resulting nattokinase enzyme is produced when the bacterium acts on the soybeans. While other soy foods contain enzymes, it is only the nattō preparation that contains the specific nattokinase enzyme.
Nattokinase is sometimes promoted in the alternative medicine  community as a clot-buster and blood thinner or as a substitute for daily aspirin therapy. However, this substitution is not recommended since there is no evidence that nattokinase is effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. Nattokinase may interact with aspirin to increase the risk of intracranial hemorrhage.
Nattokinase has been effectively marketed by Kenrico in a patented product that prevents cell damage or apoptosis. Sold under the trade name Lexirin, it is derived from fermented soybean to address gastrointenstinal disorders, dermatological conditions, and immunodeficiencies.
There is also evidence of nattokinase being effective in catabolism of toxic amyloid fibrils associated with Alzheimer's Disease.

Apoptosis  is the process of programmed cell death (PCD) that may occur in multicellular organisms. Biochemical events lead to characteristic cell changes (morphology) and death. These changes include blebbing, cell shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation,  chromatin condensation, and chromosomal DNA fragmentation. (See also Apoptosis DNA fragmentation.) Unlike necrosis, apoptosis produces cell fragments called apoptotic bodies that phagocytic cells are able to engulf and quickly remove before the contents of the cell can spill out onto surrounding cells and cause damage.
In contrast to necrosis, which is a form of traumatic cell death that results from acute cellular injury, apoptosis, in general, confers advantages during an organism's life cycle. For example, the differentiation of fingers and toes in a developing human embryo  occurs because cells between the fingers apoptose; the result is that the digits are separate. Between 50 and 70  billion  cells die each day due to apoptosis in the average human adult. For an average child between the ages of 8 and 14, approximately 20 billion to 30 billion cells die a day. 
Research in and around apoptosis has increased substantially since the early 1990s. In addition to its importance as a biological phenomenon, defective apoptotic processes have been implicated in an extensive variety of diseases. Excessive apoptosis causes atrophy, whereas an insufficient amount results in uncontrolled cell proliferation, such as cancer.

Source: Wikipedia

Sunday, December 18, 2011


5 Foods That Can Trigger a Stroke
Few things feel more terrifying and random than a stroke, which can strike without warning. And fear of stroke -- when a blood vessel in or leading to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, starving brain cells of oxygen and nutrients -- is well founded. After all, stroke is the number-three killer in the U.S., affecting more than 700,000 people each year. Here are five foods that cause the damage that leads to stroke.

1.    Crackers, chips, and store-bought pastries and baked goods

Muffins, doughnuts, chips, crackers, and many other baked goods are high in trans fats, which are hydrogenated oils popular with commercial bakeries because they stay solid at room temperature, so the products don't require refrigeration.

Also listed on labels as "partially hydrogenated" or hydrogenated oils, trans fats are found in all kinds of snack foods, frozen foods, and baked goods, including salad dressings, microwave popcorn, stuffing mixes, frozen tater tots and French fries, cake mixes, and whipped toppings. They're also what makes margarine stay in a solid cube. The worst offenders are fried fast foods such as onion rings, French fries, and fried chicken.

Why it's bad
For years scientists have known trans fats are dangerous artery-blockers, upping the concentrations of lipids and bad cholesterol in the blood and lowering good cholesterol. Now we can add stroke to the list of dangers. This year researchers at the University of North Carolina found that women who ate 7 grams of trans fat each day -- about the amount in two doughnuts or half a serving of French fries -- had 30 percent more strokes (the ischemic type, caused by blocked blood flow to the brain) than women who ate just 1 gram a day. Another recent study, also in women, found that trans fats promoted inflammation and higher levels of C-reactive protein, which have been linked to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

What to do
Aim to limit trans fats to no more than 1 or 2 grams a day -- and preferably none. Avoid fast-food French fries and other fried menu items and study packaged food labels closely. Even better, bake your own cookies, cakes, and other snacks. When you can't, search out "health-food" alternative snacks, such as Terra brand potato chips and traditional whole grain crackers such as those made by Finn, Wasa, AkMak, Ryvita, and Lavasch.

2. Smoked and processed meats
Whether your weakness is pastrami, sausage, hot dogs, bacon, or a smoked turkey sandwich, the word from the experts is: Watch out, My advise: Vanish this from your life, it´s too much a toxic load for your body.

Why it's bad
Smoked and processed meats are nasty contributors to stroke risk in two ways: The preserving processes leave them packed with sodium, but even worse are the preservatives used to keep processed meats from going bad. Sodium nitrate and nitrite have been shown by researchers to directly damage blood vessels, causing arteries to harden and narrow. And of course damaged, overly narrow blood vessels are exactly what you don't want if you fear stroke. 
Many studies have linked processed meats to coronary artery disease (CAD); one meta-analysis in the journal Circulation calculated a 42-percent increase in coronary heart disease for those who eat one serving of processed meat a day. Stroke is not the only concern for salami fans; cancer journals have reported numerous studies in the past few years showing that consumption of cured and smoked meats is linked with increased risk of diabetes and higher incidences of numerous types of cancer, including leukemia.

What to do
If a smoked turkey or ham sandwich is your lunch of choice, try to vary your diet, switching to tuna, vegetarian sandwich with sprouts and organic avocados, a hummus sandwich, use tapenade (olive pate) or seed spreads instead of mayo, or other choices several days a week. Or cook turkey and chicken yourself and slice it thin for sandwiches, only if its 100% organic and hormone free. The best option is a veggie sandwich, it will save you calories and will spare you from lots of toxins and inflammatory ingredients.

How To Tell if Someone is Having a Stroke

3. Diet soda
Although replacing sugary drinks with diet soda seems like a smart solution for keeping weight down -- a heart-healthy goal -- it turns out diet soda is likely a major bad guy when it comes to stroke.
Why it's bad
People who drink a diet soda a day may up their stroke risk by 48 percent. A Columbia University study presented at the American Stroke Association's 2011 International Stroke Conference followed 2,500 people ages 40 and older and found that daily diet soda drinkers had 60 percent more strokes, heart attacks, and coronary artery disease than those who didn't drink diet soda. Researchers don't know exactly how diet soda ups stroke risk -- and are following up with further studies -- but nutritionists are cautioning anyone concerned about stroke to cut out diet soda pop.
What to do
Substitute more water for soda in your daily diet. It's the healthiest thirst-quencher by far, researchers say. If you don't like water, add some fresh lemon juice.
4. Red meat
This winter, when the respected journal Stroke published a study showing that women who consumed a large portion of red meat each day had a 42-percent higher incidence of stroke, it got nutrition experts talking. The information that red meat, with its high saturated fat content, isn't healthy for those looking to prevent heart disease and stroke wasn't exactly news. But the percentage increase (almost 50 percent!) was both startling and solid; the researchers arrived at their finding after following 35,000 Swedish women for ten years.
Why it's bad
Researchers have long known that the saturated fat in red meat raises the risk of stroke and heart disease by gradually clogging arteries with a buildup of protein plaques. Now it turns out that hemoglobin, the ingredient that gives red meat its high iron content, may pose a specific danger when it comes to stroke. Researchers are investigating whether blood becomes thicker and more viscous as a result of the consumption of so-called heme iron, specifically upping the chance of strokes.
What to do
Reduce your meat consumption significantly which means a reduction in heme iron. Also, choose the heart-healthiest sources of protein whenever you can, especially beans, legumes, nuts, sprouts, and nonfat dairy like nut milks, avocado etc.. I f you are worried about anemia and iron, there are vegetarian iron supplements that does not contain heme iron.
5. Canned soup and prepared foods
Whether it's canned soup, canned spaghetti, or healthy-sounding frozen dinners, prepared foods and mixes rely on sodium to increase flavor and make processed foods taste fresher. Canned soup is cited by nutritionists as the worst offender; one can of canned chicken noodle soup contains more than 1,100 mg of sodium, while many other varieties, from clam chowder to simple tomato, have between 450 and 800 mg per serving. Compare that to the American Heart and Stroke Association's recommendation of less than1,500 mg of sodium daily and you'll see the problem. In fact, a nutritionist-led campaign, the National Salt Reduction Initiative, calls on food companies to reduce the salt content in canned soup and other products by 20 percent in the next two years.
Why it's bad
Salt, or sodium as it's called on food labels, directly affects stroke risk. In one recent study, people who consumed more than 4,000 mg of sodium daily had more than double the risk of stroke compared to those who ate 2,000 mg or less. Yet the Centers for Disease Control estimate that most Americans eat close to 3,500 mg of sodium per day. Studies show that sodium raises blood pressure, the primary causative factor for stroke. And be warned: Sodium wears many tricky disguises, which allow it to hide in all sorts of foods that we don't necessarily think of as salty. Some common, safe-sounding ingredients that really mean salt:
•    Baking soda
•    Baking powder
•    Disodium phosphate
•    Sodium alginate

What to do
Make your own homemade soups and entrees. Buy low-sodium varieties, but read labels carefully, since not all products marked "low sodium" live up to that promise.
Use celtic salt, pink salt form the Himalaya which are salts that have many other minerals, not just sodium chloride and the plus is that this will help with digestion.

By Melanie Haiken, /  additions from My Green Lady
Tue, Sep 06, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011


Ban Food Dyes? The FDA Says No

Against the wishes of many prominent public health advocates, an advisory panel for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided Thursday that there isn't enough evidence to ban food dyes or require labels stating that some evidence exists linking food dyes to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). After a two-day hearing on food dyes at which a handful of doctors, researchers, and parents testified, the panel concluded that existing evidence between dyes and ADHD is weak and more research is needed.
The details: The FDA hearings took place on Wednesday and Thursday of this week at the behest of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), which has been campaigning against food dyes for quite some time and wants to see them banned from foods and medications. "I have monitored the safety of food additives for almost 40 years, and food dyes have always stood out as the category with the most problems," Michael Jacobson, PhD, executive director of CSPI  told in an interview last July.
But the FDA remains unconvinced by studies linking food dyes to a variety of problems, including hyperactivity in children, and said so in a report released prior to the hearings. "Based on the data reviewed in these publications, FDA concludes that a causal relationship between exposure to color additives and hyperactivity in children in the general population has not been established," the panel of scientists wrote.

Could your dinner be killing you?

Many of the experts testifying before the FDA advisory panel seemed to agree that the science linking food dyes to ADHD is tenuous. But that research has been called into question. The CSPI's July 2010 report on food dyes noted that most safety studies are conducted by industry. Another group represented at the hearing, the Feingold Association, a nonprofit organization helping parents avoid synthetic food additives (including dyes) to treat behavioral, learning, and health problems, noted that the studies used food-dye exposure levels far below what children are usually exposed to. They used levels of dye as low as 1, 5, or 13 milligrams, but Shula Edelkind, the Feingold Association's director, presented results of lab tests her organization had done on a cupcake with frosting dyed with FD&C Red 40. The test revealed that the three tablespoons of frosting on the cupcake contained 58 milligrams of dye. "The more dyes ingested, the more people are affected," she said, citing studies linking food dyes not just to antisocial and violent behavior problems, but also to headaches, stomachaches, sleep disorders, speech disorders, learning problems, DNA damage, and in the case of FD&C Red 3, thyroid cancer in animals.
What it means: More food dyes have been banned in this country than any other food additive, but eight remain on the market. In the European Union, labeling laws require any food product containing dyes to bear the warning label "may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children." Because of that warning, many companies in that market have switched to plant-based food dyes, based on sources like grape skins, beet juice, and carrots, whereas in the U.S., food dyes are nearly always synthetic and derived from petroleum.
In the absence of labeling laws, the FDA should at least enforce its own standards of food dye safety, says Jane Hersey, national director of the Feingold Association. "If you take a look at FD&C Red 3, you see that it actually is not legal," she says. "The FDA says that it does not allow companies to use additives that have been found to cause cancer in humans or animals," referring to the study finding that the dye caused thyroid cancer in animals. And, she adds, the agency needs to reform its criteria, considering that the last time food dye safety laws were passed was in the 1960s.
Secret added sugars are a major threat to your health
Another troubling element to food dyes is their sheer widespread use, which has quadrupled since 1950, according to one doctor who testified at the conference. "There's no health benefit to food dyes," said Jacobsen. "They're just used to trick people into thinking there are some real food ingredients in processed foods."
Adding petroleum-derived chemicals to food doesn't benefit your health, and may be harmful. And it doesn't help the health of the planet either. So here are a few ways to avoid them:
• Eat whole foods.
Nearly all processed foods contain some form of coloring, so the easiest way to avoid dyes is to avoid processed foods whenever possible.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Amla Extract: Amla Berries are also known as Indian gooseberries found on small tree's that grow throughout India. The Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica, syn. Emblica officinalis) is a deciduous tree of the Euphorbiaceae family. Amla contains some of the highest amounts of Vitamin C in natural form. Amla is referred to in historic texts as an herb that "promotes longevity and induces nourishment" Amla has been a very important herb in Ayurveda for more than 3,000 years. 


Originally, Ayurveda defined seven body types. These, referred to as doshas, were Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Sama, Vata-Kapha, Vata-Pitta, and Pitta-Kapha. The first three types occur in their pure form very rarely and so seldom is it that anyone is primarily influenced by one dosha alone. Most Ayurveda reference the following three doshas:

The vata dosha combines the elements ether and air. It is considered the most powerful dosha because it controls very basic body processes such as cell division, the heart, breathing, discharge of waste, and the mind. Vata can be aggravated by, for example, fear, grief, staying up late at night, eating dry fruit, or eating before the previous meal is digested. People with vata as their main dosha are thought to be especially susceptible to skin and neurological conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, anxiety, and insomnia.

The pitta dosha represents the elements fire and water. Pitta controls hormones and the digestive system. A person with a pitta imbalance may experience negative emotions such as anger and may have physical symptoms such as heartburn within 2 or 3 hours of eating. Pitta is upset by, for example, eating spicy or sour food, fatigue, or spending too much time in the sun. People with a predominantly pitta constitution are thought to be susceptible to hypertension, heart disease, infectious diseases, and digestive conditions such as Crohn's disease.

The kapha dosha combines the elements water and earth. Kapha helps to maintain strength and immunity and to control growth. An imbalance of the kapha dosha may cause nausea immediately after eating. Kapha is aggravated by, for example, greed, sleeping during the daytime, eating too many sweet foods, eating after one is full, and eating and drinking foods and beverages with too much salt and water (especially in the springtime). Those with a predominant kapha dosha are thought to be vulnerable to diabetes, cancer, obesity, and respiratory illnesses such as asthma.

The key to maintaining physical and mental health is in keeping these elements and doshas in harmonic balance through proper diet, herbs and life style, otherwise early aging and various diseases can manifest. These three doshas can even be traced back to the very beginning of creation as representing the three Gods in Vedic wisdom Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma. One or more of these doshas or elements will predominate in every individual living entity creating seven possible body types. By knowing which type you are by symptoms, the proper diet and herbal treatment can be established for you.
  • Eliminating impurities. A process called panchakarma is intended to cleanse the body by eliminating ama. Ama is described as an undigested food that sticks to tissues, interferes with normal functioning of the body, and leads to disease. Panchakarma focuses on eliminating ama through the digestive tract and the respiratory system. Enemas, massage, medical oils administered in a nasal spray, and other methods may be used.
  • Reducing symptoms. The practitioner may suggest various options, including physical exercises, stretching, breathing exercises, meditation, massage, lying in the sun, and changing the diet. The patient may take certain herbs-often with honey, to make them easier to digest. Sometimes diets are restricted to certain foods. Very small amounts of metal and mineral preparations, such as gold or iron, also may be given.
  • Increasing resistance to disease. The practitioner may combine several herbs, proteins, minerals, and vitamins in tonics to improve digestion and increase appetite and immunity. These tonics are based on formulas from ancient texts.
  • Reducing worry and increasing harmony. Ayurvedic medicine emphasizes mental nurturing and spiritual healing. Practitioners may recommend avoiding situations that cause worry and using techniques that promote release of negative emotions.
  • Cold Water Extracted. It extracts and concentrates the medicinal properties of the herbs. Removing all the fibers and unnecessary parts to make the herb as pure as possible. Making just a little bit go a very long way, allowing ¼-1 teaspoon more than enough.