Tuesday, August 9, 2011

pH and Stomach Health are Connected!!

pH and Stomach:
The stomach is of major importance.  Many people who don't have stomach problems and tend to overlook this key organ, lacking the understanding how when the stomach does not function properly with the correct amount of stomach acid, it opens the door to many  challenges that harms a person's health.

When the stomach is healthy and operating properly, it will have a fasting pH of between 1 and 2. To put this into perspective, this is so acid or so hot, that to have your finger touch it, it would burn your finger.  The acid is so strong that it can dissolve a razor blade.

The two main reasons why the stomach is designed for such an acid pH are:

1.    The first  function of the stomach and its acid is to masticate the food into a chyme so that it is properly ready for the small intestine and its digestive process.
2.    The second  function of the stomach acid is to act in destroying viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites, liver flukes, fungii, nano bacteria, etc. that have gained access via the mouth or through the nose.  If the stomach acid is where it belongs, this normal and daily process is accomplished. If on the other hand the pH of the stomach gets too alkaline, then often these little organisms get passed the stomach and although the liver bile, when its ph is 9.7 (its proper ph) is the backup, but often is not the case, these organisms find carte blanche to various organs, glands or tissues and begin to set up their homes. Once they reach the chronic stage, this becomes the root cause of numerous health conditions. In any good health-building regimen, this originating causal factor needs to be dealt with and corrected.

So often I will hear where a person has been led to believe that they have too much  hydrochloric acid due to having symptoms such as acid reflux or acid indigestion. This is NOT true. It is not that they have too much hydrochloric acid; they have too much lactic acid. The stomach was designed to have Hydrochloric Acid and when a person exhibits symptoms such as acid indigestion, they have a deficiency in Hydrochloric Acid and an excess of lactic acid.

Lactic Acid helps breakdown the food for the small intestines when there is a lack or insufficient amounts of Hydrochloric Acid. The problem is that lactic acid is a corrosive waste product and it unable to break the food down efficiently, which consequently stresses the small intestinal function and liver function.

Additionally, lactic acid does not have the ability to destroy the harmful organisms such as the nano bacteria, the bacteria, the viruses, the parasites and the liver flukes.
The stomach was designed to use the chloride fraction of salt as its first choice to produce Hydrochloric Acid. Salt has had a bad rap as being problematic for one's health. The issue has never been salt but the way that common table salt is processed. For the large part, the major salt producers process the salt for commercial/industrial uses and the common table salt is a side benefit to the manufacturer.  The processing of salt includes a number of steps including bleaching and high temperature drying of the salt. These high temperatures average between 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit and 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit.  This high temperature actually welds or melts the sodium fraction to the chloride fraction making it impossible to separate the two parts and now this becomes a toxic substance and a heavy burden to the body and can be as problematic as we have been told. The issue has never been the problem with the salt but the high heat drying process.

The answer is to use salt that has been either air-dried or sun-evaporated.  You will often hear sea salt - although technically sea salt and land salt are of equal quality raw material wise, it is much easier to find sea salt that has been air dried and land salt is nearly impossible to find air dried.

Children who start on air-dried salt at an early age, rarely need to supplement with HCL however most adults have not been so fortunate and have had the common table salt., should begin using and continue to use air-dried sea salt. Another good option is SALT form mountain salt mines.

When the Stomach Acid - Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) is Low

1.    May lead to to immune challenging events
2.    Opens the door to the early steps of bone loss
3.    One of two root causes of anxiety
4.    Protein digestion becomes very poor
5.    Absorption of calcium, iron and B-12 is greatly compromised
6.    When the stomach HCL is too low, the healthy gut ecology is compromised.

Symptoms that may indicate low HCL

1.    Bloating
2.    Belching
3.    Acid Indigestion
4.    Fullness and heaviness after eating
5.    Intestinal gas
6.    Bad Breath
7.    Food Allergies
8.    Rectum Itching
9.    Diarrhea or Constipation
10. Weak or cracked fingernails
11. Dialated Blood vessels in the cheeks or nose
12. Acne
13. Iron Deficiency
14. Chronic Intestinal Parasites
15. Undigested food in the stool
16. Candida symptoms
17. Dental Plaque (always low HCL; Most the time corrects on its own when the stomach acid is right)
18. Many other dental issues including tooth decay.
19. Waking up in the middle of the night and not able to fall back asleep

Health Conditions Associated with Low HCL

1.    Asthma
2.    Diabetes
3.    Osteoporosis
4.    Eczema
5.    Acne
6.    Posriasis
7.    Gallbladder Disease
8.    Herpes
9.    Hives
10. Hyperthyroid
11. Hypothyroid
12. All the so-called auto immune diseases
13. Lupus
14. Anemia
15. Celiac Disease
16. Sjogren's Syndrome
17. Stomach Ulcers
18. Intestinal Ulcers/Growths
19. Lymphatic conditions
20. Kidney Diseases
21. Poor Pancreatic Functions
22. Poor sleep function waking up between 3 and 6 in the morning and not being able to go back to sleep


Delicious Shots said...

It's good to know, Thank you for sharing!

My Green Lady said...

I am glad you find the information useful!